Main Street, Lincoln, Lincolnshire LN2 3PF


Hackthorn Church Of England Primary School

A small school with a BIG heart.

School Closure Information

The following procedures will be adhered to in the event of any emergency: severe weather, fire, heating failure, water supply disruption etc.

If the school is closed before the start of the school day

If weather conditions are so severe the school is unable to open a decision will be made to close the school by a school governor who lives locally.

Announcement of closures will be sent to parents via WEDUC. This information will also be made available on the Local Authority web site and on local radio

If the school is open but there has been heavy overnight snow etc.

If the school remains open but the bus operator considers it unsafe to transport the children please do not bring the children to school yourselves unless you are available to collect them at 3:30pm or earlier if called upon to do so.

Children who normally travel to school by car should only be brought if they can also be collected before the end of school should the weather deteriorate.

Parents of children who walk to school should check that at least one teacher and another member of staff have arrived before the child is left at school.

(Please bear in mind that teachers live a long way from school)

Children should not arrive at school before 9:00am.

If William Farr School is closed and we remain open (check with LA website) and your child was expecting a hot meal please provide an alternative lunch.

If the school is open but weather conditions become severe

If weather conditions deteriorate during the day to the point where the school has to close, every effort will be made to contact parents or appointed carers to enable to school to be evacuated via the TXTRound service.

(If you cannot collect your child yourself please phone school immediately to let us know who you have nominated to collect them instead.)

If the school is closed due to other emergencies

The same evacuation procedure will take place as above.

If the school grounds are unsafe as a result of the emergency we will move the children to the village hall where they can be collected by parents or carers.

Of paramount consideration is the safety and welfare of our pupils

Please ensure you keep the school informed of changes to contact details (especially mobile phone numbers)