Safeguarding and Child Protection
We are committed to the safeguarding of all children and adults. If you have a safeguarding concern, please report it to a member of staff immediately.
Safeguarding concerns can be reported to Children's Services on 01522 782111 (8am - 6pm weekdays) or the Emergency Duty Team on 01522 782333 (6pm - 8am, weekends and Bank Holidays.)
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Emily Lister
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads: Mrs Michelle Woods and Mrs Alison Turner
Safeguarding Governor: Mrs Emma Rowe
School Attendance Champion: Mrs Emily Lister
Police 999 in the case or an emergency
101 for non emergencies
There is also the opportunity to contact the police online at
Lincolnshire Police 101- can route non urgent referrals through to the PREVENT Team
We are constantly monitoring child protection resources which become available . Here are some of the ones which we think will be most helpful for any parents who may have concerns. Please bear in mind that the links on this page will take you to other websites which are outside our control.
NSPCC – National Helpline 0808 800 5000
Childline - 0800 11 11
Report a safeguarding concern – Lincolnshire County Council
Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Partnership – About the LSCP - Lincolnshire County Council
Hectors World Safety Button
This is simply a small download which can be installed on any computer which is used by a child. It provides them with a recognisable icon which can be clicked if they find themselves somewhere on the internet which makes them feel uncomfortable in any way. The screen is immediately replaced with an attractive underwater scene which also contains reassuring messages which will encourage them to seek help from an adult.
You can find out more from the Hectors World Website
CEOP Command
This website contains lots of useful information for parents and carers on all aspects of child protection. Find out more from the CEOP Website
NSPCC Resources
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NSPCC resources (parent.carer.schools) - summer 23.pdf | Download |